Building Whitby's Budget

On November 29 (2024), the Town of Whitby’s Budget was adopted. The final budget will result in a 3.99 per cent tax increase to the Town’s budget tax levy or an estimated 1.4 per cent increase on the total residential bill for Town services for 2025. Learn more.

Town Staff are updating the 2025 Budget Books to reflect the adopted budget. Once complete, the budget books will be available here. The 2025 Budget Highlights are also now available.

This final budget considers community feedback, budget pressures, and projections prepared by Town Staff. This is also the Town’s inaugural multi-year budget and includes staff projections for 2026 and 2027:

Budget Year202520262027
Original Draft Budget (prepared by Staff)
(in thousands)
Strong Mayor's Budget Changes
(in thousands)
Revised Budget Increases4.5%4.9%4.8%
Strong Mayor's Budget Impact on Total Residential Property Tax Bill for Town Services*$99$112$115
Final Council Adopted Budget Increases
(in thousands)
Final Council Adopted Budget Impact on Total Residential Property Tax Bill for Town Services*

* for an Average Whitby Home assessed at $503,000 by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation.

Additional Budget Information

New this year, the Town will move to a multi-year Budget, better positioning the municipality to continue to implement the action items of the Whitby Community Strategic Plan and focus on four main goals:

  1. Service delivery enhancements and additions as supported by the Community Strategic Plan
  2. Support for existing programs and services
  3. Operating funding to support new capital assets
  4. Continued increased investment in infrastructure renewal

This new approach will help the Town plan investments to meet its service delivery requirements as Whitby continues to grow – so community feedback matters more than ever.

Heard about and interested in what a Strong Mayor's Budget means? Read Mayor Roy's August column to learn more.

You can also learn more about how how taxes are calculated in Whitby.

Share Your Budget Priorities - NOW COMPLETE

As an important part of the budget process, residents were invited to share their feedback on the proposed budget. Here are some ways feedback was collected:

1) Virtual 2025 Budget Forum

When: in November 2024, residents were invited to review the draft 2025 Budget and share a comment right here on Connect Whitby.

2) Budget Public Meeting on the Strong Mayor Budget

When: Tuesday, November 19, 2024, 7 p.m.

Where: residents had the opportunity to attend the meeting in-person at Whitby Council Chambers or tune in online at

3) Special Council Meeting (for Council amendments to the Strong Mayor Budget)

When: Thursday, November 28, 2024, 7 p.m.

Where: Residents had the opportunity to attend the meeting in-person at Whitby Council Chambers or tune in online at


Stay informed on upcoming budget engagement opportunities. Subscribe to receive email updates (submit your email in the STAY INFORMED box).

How the Budget Process Works

Each year, the Town undergoes a robust process to create an annual budget that delivers the services and programs residents and businesses rely on each day.

Check out the below videos to learn more about how your tax dollars are spent and how municipal budget decisions are made:

For more information on how Whitby uses Development Charges (DCs) to help manage the cost of growth, visit the Development Charge Background Study page on Connect Whitby.

Your property taxes fund services provided by the Town of Whitby, Region of Durham, and School Boards. For an average home, assessed at $503,000, annual property taxes of $6,352 are allocated as follows:

Expenses in the municipal budget are broken down into two categories: operating and capital budget.

Operating Budget:

This accounts for the cost of operating day-to-day services in the Town including:

  • Fire and Emergency services
  • Town Facilities (e.g. Iroquois Park Sports Centre, Whitby Public Library, Port Whitby Marina, Brooklin Community Centre and Library and Town Hall).
  • Recreation programs
  • Road maintenance
  • Waste Collection
  • Debt payments and transfers to reserves

Capital Budget:

The capital budget consists of larger investments that help us prepare for our community’s future growth. Examples of capital expenses may include:

  • Infrastructure development, building and construction projects (e.g. building new roads, sidewalks multi-use paths, bike lanes and bridges)
  • Park and greenspace improvements
  • Fleet expansion and maintenance (e.g. purchasing new fire trucks and snow plows)

Have a question about the Town’s budget? Email

On November 29 (2024), the Town of Whitby’s Budget was adopted. The final budget will result in a 3.99 per cent tax increase to the Town’s budget tax levy or an estimated 1.4 per cent increase on the total residential bill for Town services for 2025. Learn more.

Town Staff are updating the 2025 Budget Books to reflect the adopted budget. Once complete, the budget books will be available here. The 2025 Budget Highlights are also now available.

This final budget considers community feedback, budget pressures, and projections prepared by Town Staff. This is also the Town’s inaugural multi-year budget and includes staff projections for 2026 and 2027:

Budget Year202520262027
Original Draft Budget (prepared by Staff)
(in thousands)
Strong Mayor's Budget Changes
(in thousands)
Revised Budget Increases4.5%4.9%4.8%
Strong Mayor's Budget Impact on Total Residential Property Tax Bill for Town Services*$99$112$115
Final Council Adopted Budget Increases
(in thousands)
Final Council Adopted Budget Impact on Total Residential Property Tax Bill for Town Services*

* for an Average Whitby Home assessed at $503,000 by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation.

Additional Budget Information

New this year, the Town will move to a multi-year Budget, better positioning the municipality to continue to implement the action items of the Whitby Community Strategic Plan and focus on four main goals:

  1. Service delivery enhancements and additions as supported by the Community Strategic Plan
  2. Support for existing programs and services
  3. Operating funding to support new capital assets
  4. Continued increased investment in infrastructure renewal

This new approach will help the Town plan investments to meet its service delivery requirements as Whitby continues to grow – so community feedback matters more than ever.

Heard about and interested in what a Strong Mayor's Budget means? Read Mayor Roy's August column to learn more.

You can also learn more about how how taxes are calculated in Whitby.

Share Your Budget Priorities - NOW COMPLETE

As an important part of the budget process, residents were invited to share their feedback on the proposed budget. Here are some ways feedback was collected:

1) Virtual 2025 Budget Forum

When: in November 2024, residents were invited to review the draft 2025 Budget and share a comment right here on Connect Whitby.

2) Budget Public Meeting on the Strong Mayor Budget

When: Tuesday, November 19, 2024, 7 p.m.

Where: residents had the opportunity to attend the meeting in-person at Whitby Council Chambers or tune in online at

3) Special Council Meeting (for Council amendments to the Strong Mayor Budget)

When: Thursday, November 28, 2024, 7 p.m.

Where: Residents had the opportunity to attend the meeting in-person at Whitby Council Chambers or tune in online at


Stay informed on upcoming budget engagement opportunities. Subscribe to receive email updates (submit your email in the STAY INFORMED box).

How the Budget Process Works

Each year, the Town undergoes a robust process to create an annual budget that delivers the services and programs residents and businesses rely on each day.

Check out the below videos to learn more about how your tax dollars are spent and how municipal budget decisions are made:

For more information on how Whitby uses Development Charges (DCs) to help manage the cost of growth, visit the Development Charge Background Study page on Connect Whitby.

Your property taxes fund services provided by the Town of Whitby, Region of Durham, and School Boards. For an average home, assessed at $503,000, annual property taxes of $6,352 are allocated as follows:

Expenses in the municipal budget are broken down into two categories: operating and capital budget.

Operating Budget:

This accounts for the cost of operating day-to-day services in the Town including:

  • Fire and Emergency services
  • Town Facilities (e.g. Iroquois Park Sports Centre, Whitby Public Library, Port Whitby Marina, Brooklin Community Centre and Library and Town Hall).
  • Recreation programs
  • Road maintenance
  • Waste Collection
  • Debt payments and transfers to reserves

Capital Budget:

The capital budget consists of larger investments that help us prepare for our community’s future growth. Examples of capital expenses may include:

  • Infrastructure development, building and construction projects (e.g. building new roads, sidewalks multi-use paths, bike lanes and bridges)
  • Park and greenspace improvements
  • Fleet expansion and maintenance (e.g. purchasing new fire trucks and snow plows)

Have a question about the Town’s budget? Email

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    As an important part of the budget process, we invite you share your feedback on the 2025 Draft Budget until November 17.

Page last updated: 11 Dec 2024, 11:51 AM