DC Study - Update Notice March 16, 2021

Further to the correspondence received for the Development Charge Study Public Meeting on March 8, 2021, the Town of Whitby will be providing written responses to the questions and issues raised in the upcoming weeks.

Please note, new information is now available relating to the costing of the Brooklin Roads related projects; the Brooklin North Major Roads Environmental Assessment has now been released for the 60 day public review period. The BNMR EA project cost estimates were used to refine the road costs in the DC Study, although differences may still occur because the of site servicing and Regional costs included in the EA .

Lastly, staff report FS 11-21 had identified that the new DC By-Law would be coming forward for Council’s consideration on April 26th. To allow for time to review all the public feedback, the new DC by-law is now scheduled to come before Council on May 17, 2021, with new rates in effect as of June 1, 2021.

If you have any further questions pertaining to the Development Charge Background Study please email treasury@whitby.ca or visit the DC Study Page on Connect Whitby and subscribe to stay informed on the progress of the study.

Consultation has temporarily concluded. Additional feedback opportunities for this project are coming soon.

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