Election Sign By-law Survey

The Town of Whitby is working to develop a new by-law that would regulate the size and placement of election signs in the community during elections.

The By-law’s Goal

  • to respect the need for candidates to advertise to electors while reducing sign clutter
  • protecting vehicle and pedestrian sight lines
  • decreasing driver distraction related to signs
  • achieving a more environmentally-sustainable election

Between March 17 and April 2, the public was invited to provide feedback on the proposed Election Sign By-law to help flag if changes are needed. Thank you to the more than 350 people who completed the online survey. Feedback will help to inform Council’s April 19, 2021 decision on whether to approve the new by-law.

If passed, the by-law would apply to election signage on roads and private property for municipal, provincial, federal and school board elections.

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The Town of Whitby is working to develop a new by-law that would regulate the size and placement of election signs in the community during elections.

The By-law’s Goal

  • to respect the need for candidates to advertise to electors while reducing sign clutter
  • protecting vehicle and pedestrian sight lines
  • decreasing driver distraction related to signs
  • achieving a more environmentally-sustainable election

Between March 17 and April 2, the public was invited to provide feedback on the proposed Election Sign By-law to help flag if changes are needed. Thank you to the more than 350 people who completed the online survey. Feedback will help to inform Council’s April 19, 2021 decision on whether to approve the new by-law.

If passed, the by-law would apply to election signage on roads and private property for municipal, provincial, federal and school board elections.

Stay Informed

Stay informed on this project as it moves forward. Subscribe to receive email updates (submit your email in the STAY INFORMED box).

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Let us know your thoughts about the proposed by-law. The survey will be open until April 2, 2021

Page last updated: 07 Apr 2021, 02:48 PM