Future Development In Whitby’s Mature Neighbourhoods

Mature Neighbourhoods Study Phase 3

The Mature Neighbourhoods Study is now in Phase 3.

On May 15, 2023, Council adpoted the Town-initiated Official Plan Amendment (OPA #130) for the Mature Neighbourhoods Study (File: OPA-2021-W/02). After Council adoption, OPA #130 was appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal. Please contact the OLT directly for further information.

Through this study, the Town will be:

  • creating an inventory and describing the character of certain mature residential neighbourhoods in the study area south of Taunton Road (see map);
  • identifying infill and intensification trends and pressures affecting mature neighbourhoods;
  • identifying options for managing these changes; and,
  • recommending revised Official Plan policies, zoning provisions and urban design guidelines to manage redevelopment in mature neighbourhoods in the study area.

Have Your Say

This project has included extensive community and stakeholder engagement throughout the study process, in accordance with the Planning Act and as directed by Council. As we progress towards the end of Phase 3, a statutory Public Meeting will be held prior to the end of 2022. This meeting will be used to present the final recommendations of the study (including Zoning and Official Plan Amendments), prior to Council approval.

Mature Neighbourhoods Study Phase 3

The Mature Neighbourhoods Study is now in Phase 3.

On May 15, 2023, Council adpoted the Town-initiated Official Plan Amendment (OPA #130) for the Mature Neighbourhoods Study (File: OPA-2021-W/02). After Council adoption, OPA #130 was appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal. Please contact the OLT directly for further information.

Through this study, the Town will be:

  • creating an inventory and describing the character of certain mature residential neighbourhoods in the study area south of Taunton Road (see map);
  • identifying infill and intensification trends and pressures affecting mature neighbourhoods;
  • identifying options for managing these changes; and,
  • recommending revised Official Plan policies, zoning provisions and urban design guidelines to manage redevelopment in mature neighbourhoods in the study area.

Have Your Say

This project has included extensive community and stakeholder engagement throughout the study process, in accordance with the Planning Act and as directed by Council. As we progress towards the end of Phase 3, a statutory Public Meeting will be held prior to the end of 2022. This meeting will be used to present the final recommendations of the study (including Zoning and Official Plan Amendments), prior to Council approval.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The Town of Whitby is undertaking a study to help guide and determine permitted future development in Whitby’s mature neighbourhoods – and we want to hear from you.

    The purpose of this study is to inventory and describe the character of Whitby’s mature neighbourhoods; to identify redevelopment, infill and intensification trends and pressures; and to develop options for managing these changes.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    I would like to sign up to attend the Virtual Open House on Wednesday, July 21 from 7 to 8 p.m. 

Page last updated: 27 Jul 2023, 11:17 AM