What is Traffic Calming?

    Traffic calming is a set of measures used to “calm” traffic. These actions can ease traffic concerns through physical changes to the street and/or behaviour change.

    The goal of traffic calming is to create safer streets for all users. This includes pedestrians, people who use mobility devices, cyclists, and motorists. Used effectively, traffic calming measures can reduce speeds, limit cut-through traffic, and discourage poor driving habits such as distracted or aggressive driving.

    What is a Traffic Calming Policy?

    A Traffic Calming Policy is an official municipal document approved by Town Council that outlines the basis for initiating a Traffic Calming Study and establishes the criteria for evaluating resident requests and addressing matters like:

    • the locations and types of streets that do and do not qualify for traffic calming;
    • the process for completing a Traffic Calming Study; and
    • the timing and basis for removal of traffic calming measures after implementation.

    Once approved, the Town will apply the Traffic Calming Policy, along with the Traffic Calming Guidelines, when considering the implementation of traffic calming solutions in a neighbourhood.

    What are Traffic Calming Guidelines?

    Traffic Calming Guidelines are a municipal document that provide detailed guidance on how to implement traffic calming measures on Town roads. Once completed, the Guidelines, which will complement the Traffic Calming Policy, will include a toolkit (or menu) of potential solutions that might be considered to address traffic concerns on neighbourhood streets in Whitby.

    What is a Traffic Calming Study?

    A Traffic Calming Study assesses conditions on a neighbourhood street to determine whether traffic calming is needed. The study examines several factors such as observed speeds, amount of cut-through traffic, adjacent land use, likelihood of pedestrians and cyclists, and roadway characteristics like length and classification to determine if the road meets the criteria to warrant traffic calming measures.

    What typical traffic calming measures are used?

    Traffic calming measures are installed in the road environment to reduce speeds and increase safety. Locations are selected based on guidelines, the road environment and what’s near the road, effectiveness, cost, physical constraints, and possible neighbourhood impacts. 

    Here are some examples of the types of traffic calming measures Whitby has or may use.

    What roads are potential for traffic calming measures?

    The Town will typically consider the installation of traffic calming measures on neighbourhood streets with a demonstrated safety, excessive speed, and/or cut-through traffic issue and where alternative techniques (like education and enforcement) have proven unsuccessful or are not feasible or appropriate under the circumstances.

    Not all Town roads are candidates for traffic calming. Measures may not be appropriate in every situation and, if considered, should ensure equitable and consistent treatment of all Town street users. The Traffic Calming Policy will identify situations where traffic calming may (or will) not be considered.

    Are there any drawback to traffic calming measures?

    In some instances, traffic calming can:

    • increase emergency vehicle response and transit operating times;
    • restrict or impede vehicle access to neighbourhood areas;
    • shift traffic concerns to other roadways;
    • increase maintenance costs for snow clearing and curbside waste collection; and
    • increase vehicle emissions and/or noise pollution

    Careful consideration and proper planning, design, and implementation are key to the success of a traffic calming plan.

    What is not a traffic calming measure?

    Traffic control devices are primarily installed to assign right of way and are not recommended for traffic calming purposes. 

    Here are some examples of common types of traffic control devices.