Whitby Official Plan Review
The Town of Whitby is undertaking its five-year Official Plan Review, which will help set policies that manage how Whitby should grow between now and 2051 - and we want to hear from you.
Have Your Say!
Community engagement is an important part of the Official Plan Review.
Join us for our next Community Open House to provide feedback and ask questions on different land use options that will be presented to determine where future housing, roads and other community assets like parks and schools may be planned in the Brooklin Urban Expansion Area:
Community Open House #4 |
Planning for Growth Around Brooklin - Brooklin Urban Expansion Area |
Wednesday, November 27, 2024 |
6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Doors Open at 6p.m. |
Presentation at 6:30p.m. Followed by group discussion. |
Town Hall Council Chambers - 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby |
Please complete a pre-registration form to let us know you are attending.
We thank everyone who provided feedback and ideas through our past Community Open Houses, online surveys, and our first Statutory Public Meeting that was held on October 16, 2024 regarding the Draft Proposed Amendments related to the Whitby GO Protected Major Transit Station Area and other Strategic Growth Areas, Nodes and Corridors.
Couldn't attend in person? Watch a video recording on the Videos section of this page, and review presentation materials, staff reports and other important background project information under the Documents section of this page.
Looking for other ways to provide feedback? Email your written comments to the Official Plan Review Team at: officialplanreview@whitby.ca or speak to someone by calling 905-430-4306.
Sign up for the Interested Party List(s) to stay informed and receive important project notifications.
Want to Learn More?
Visit our Interactive Story Map to learn more about the Whitby Official Plan Review. Don't forget to view the Documents and Videos sections of this page for more detailed information.
What is an Official Plan?
The Town's Official Plan guides where and how land in our municipality should be used. More specifically, the Official Plan sets out:
- where different types of development like housing, offices, shops, and roads will be located
- where community uses like parks, trails, and schools will be needed, and
- what should be protected, such as the natural environment, historic properties, and other special places, like Whitby’s waterfront and downtowns.
Land use planning in Ontario occurs in a “policy-led” system that consists of a series of documents that inform one another. Whitby's Official Plan is informed by provincial direction found in the Ontario Planning Act and regional plans, like the Region of Durham’s new Regional Official Plan – Envision Durham.
Why are we reviewing the Official Plan now?
Whitby's population is forecasted to grow to approximately 240,000 by 2051. By 2031 alone, the Province of Ontario has mandated the Town to support the construction of 18,000 new homes in Whitby. This growth needs to be planned in a sustainable manner for today and future generations. Fortunately, Whitby already has a comprehensive Official Plan that was updated last in 2018.
This next review will focus on updating key areas to plan for more housing and jobs, while also updating the existing Official Plan to align with recent changes made by both the Province and the Region of Durham’s new Regional Official Plan – Envision Durham.
What does this Official Plan Review include?
Building upon the 2018 Official Plan, this next review will focus on four key project areas:
- General Official Plan updates, as required by Provincial legislation and policy, and the newly adopted Region of Durham Official Plan – Envision Durham
- Increasing the housing supply in the Whitby GO Protected Major Transit Station Area
- Increasing the housing supply in Strategic Growth Areas, including along major transit routes
- Planning for more homes and jobs in the new Brooklin Urban Expansion Area
Stay Informed
Stay informed on future community engagement opportunities:
- click on the links below to complete the form to be added to the official Interested Party listfor each key project area. As an Interested Party, you will receive ongoing project information including notice of any Public Meetings and information on appeal rights.
- General Official Plan Review Interested Party Form (File number: OPA-2023-W/02)
- Whitby Go Protected Major Transit Station Area Interested Party Form (File number: OPA-2024-W/04)
- Strategic Growth Areas Interested Party Form (File number: OPA-2024-W/05)
- Brooklin Urban Expansion Area Interested Party Form (File number: OPA-2024-W/06)
By becoming an Interested Party, your name and address will become part of the public record and be subject to Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.