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Poll #1: Whitby Today and Tomorrow: What Matters to You?

Welcome! This quick poll is designed for you to share your perspectives on what you think are the key priorities for Whitby in planning for growth and development over the next 30 years, as part of the Official Plan Review update. The poll will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.


Which of the following best describes you and your interest in the Whitby Official Plan Review? Please check all that apply:


If you live in Whitby, which area do you reside in?


How do you currently get around Whitby for most of your trips within the Town?


What are the topics that interest you most in discussions on the Official Plan Review and how Whitby will grow and develop into the future? Please check all that apply and share any other topics that you think are important to be considered.


What types of housing would you like to see in your neighbourhood and/or residential areas in Whitby more broadly? Please check all that apply:


What other types of community infrastructure would you like to see more of in your neighbourhood and/or residential areas in Whitby more broadly? Please select your top three choices:


How would you like to be engaged in discussions about the Official Plan Review? Please check all that apply.


Do you have any additional questions or comments related to growth in Whitby or the Official Plan Review?