Parks and Recreation Master Plan

How do you currently use Whitby’s parks and recreation facilities? Do you want more tennis, pickleball, or basketball courts in our community? Do you want to see more funds invested in our arenas, pools, waterfront and/or the marina?

More than 4,200 people shared their feedback as part of this project. The Town is now finalizing a new Parks and Recreation Master Plan to guide future recreational services, infrastructure, and investments.

Once complete, the Plan will present a vision, as well as long-term goals and objectives, for how the Town will continue to meet the recreational needs of our growing community well into the future. It will be an actionable strategy that addresses:

  • the type and location of future park and recreational opportunities and amenities required to support Whitby's quality of life
  • service standards, policies, and programs for recreation and parks facilities and services
  • required improvements to parks, trails, and open spaces

Update - April 2024

Progress on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan continues. Phase 3 activities include:

  • Vision and Guiding Principles
  • Parks and Trails Assessment
  • Recreation Facility Assessment
  • Service Delivery Assessment
  • Draft Master Plan
  • Council Presentation - May 6, 2024

Update - April 2023

From December 2022 to February 2023, the Town engaged more than 4,000 people in learning more about, and sharing their feedback on, the future of parks and recreation in Whitby.

Feedback during this first phase was collected through an online survey, in-person and virtual events, and stakeholder roundtable sessions, all of which asked participants to help prioritize and identify future recreational services, infrastructure, and investments for the community.

What We Heard

Highlights of what we heard during this first round of engagement are as follows:

  • The majority of participants enjoy outdoor activities such as visiting the community’s waterfront, parks and open spaces, and walking or hiking.
  • 92% of participants agreed that parks and recreation opportunities should be a high priority for Town Council.
  • Top outdoor investment priorities noted by participants include the waterfront, beaches, and new parks and outdoor spaces. This feedback aligns with what residents said are their top priorities for the Community Strategic Plan.
  • Top indoor investment priorities noted by participants include multi-use sports facilities for all ages, with a pool and gymnasium for league sports.
  • Top areas participants would like to see improvement include more facilities and programs (including evening and weekend programs) and increased promotion of available recreation programs in Whitby.

View the full results of this first phase of engagement.

How do you currently use Whitby’s parks and recreation facilities? Do you want more tennis, pickleball, or basketball courts in our community? Do you want to see more funds invested in our arenas, pools, waterfront and/or the marina?

More than 4,200 people shared their feedback as part of this project. The Town is now finalizing a new Parks and Recreation Master Plan to guide future recreational services, infrastructure, and investments.

Once complete, the Plan will present a vision, as well as long-term goals and objectives, for how the Town will continue to meet the recreational needs of our growing community well into the future. It will be an actionable strategy that addresses:

  • the type and location of future park and recreational opportunities and amenities required to support Whitby's quality of life
  • service standards, policies, and programs for recreation and parks facilities and services
  • required improvements to parks, trails, and open spaces

Update - April 2024

Progress on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan continues. Phase 3 activities include:

  • Vision and Guiding Principles
  • Parks and Trails Assessment
  • Recreation Facility Assessment
  • Service Delivery Assessment
  • Draft Master Plan
  • Council Presentation - May 6, 2024

Update - April 2023

From December 2022 to February 2023, the Town engaged more than 4,000 people in learning more about, and sharing their feedback on, the future of parks and recreation in Whitby.

Feedback during this first phase was collected through an online survey, in-person and virtual events, and stakeholder roundtable sessions, all of which asked participants to help prioritize and identify future recreational services, infrastructure, and investments for the community.

What We Heard

Highlights of what we heard during this first round of engagement are as follows:

  • The majority of participants enjoy outdoor activities such as visiting the community’s waterfront, parks and open spaces, and walking or hiking.
  • 92% of participants agreed that parks and recreation opportunities should be a high priority for Town Council.
  • Top outdoor investment priorities noted by participants include the waterfront, beaches, and new parks and outdoor spaces. This feedback aligns with what residents said are their top priorities for the Community Strategic Plan.
  • Top indoor investment priorities noted by participants include multi-use sports facilities for all ages, with a pool and gymnasium for league sports.
  • Top areas participants would like to see improvement include more facilities and programs (including evening and weekend programs) and increased promotion of available recreation programs in Whitby.

View the full results of this first phase of engagement.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    How do you currently use Whitby’s parks and recreation facilities? Do you want more tennis, pickleball, or basketball courts in our community? Do you want to see more funds invested in our arenas, pools, waterfront and/or the marina? The Town is preparing a new Parks and Recreation Master Plan to guide future recreational services, infrastructure, and investments - and wants to hear from you!  

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The Town is developing a new Parks and Recreation Master Plan to guide future recreational services, infrastructure, and investments in Whitby.

    In Phase One of engagement, nearly 4,000 people engaged in the process to help create the Town's proposed Parks and Recreation Master Plan. 

    During this second and final phase of engagement, we want to know if you think we got it right. Do the proposed investments and recommendations reflect your priorities for the future of parks and recreation in Whitby? Complete the survey below by June 21st to have your say.

    Please note: The proposed Parks and Recreation Master Plan contains a total of 78 recommendations. Only a select few have been highlighted in this survey. For a full list of recommendations, click here to read the complete proposed Parks and Recreation Master Plan

Page last updated: 25 Oct 2024, 09:36 AM