Whitby Community Champions

Graphic of hands holding hearts

Who are Whitby Community Champions?

We love to hear about and witness acts of kindness and support for the Whitby community. Local businesses, community organizations and residents continue to step up to support neighbours, friends and strangers. Whether picking up groceries for a neighbour or organizing community food drives, there are many great examples of how our community has come together and continued to make Whitby a great place to live.

Share Your Community Champions Story

Take a moment to recognize the people who make Whitby a great place to live by sharing your story below. No act is too small to recognize – let's spread the Whitby community spirit far and wide. The stories your share here may be featured on our social media channels, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and watch out for the hashtag #WhitbyProud.

Who are Whitby Community Champions?

We love to hear about and witness acts of kindness and support for the Whitby community. Local businesses, community organizations and residents continue to step up to support neighbours, friends and strangers. Whether picking up groceries for a neighbour or organizing community food drives, there are many great examples of how our community has come together and continued to make Whitby a great place to live.

Share Your Community Champions Story

Take a moment to recognize the people who make Whitby a great place to live by sharing your story below. No act is too small to recognize – let's spread the Whitby community spirit far and wide. The stories your share here may be featured on our social media channels, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and watch out for the hashtag #WhitbyProud.

Page last updated: 18 Feb 2025, 09:32 PM