What is the IDEA Project?
The IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Anti-Racism) Project: Whitby’s Journey to Inclusivity is a project that will identify the current state of diversity, equity, and inclusion at the Town of Whitby as an employer and service provider, and determine our shared path to a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive future.
How can I receive updates on this project?
You can receive project updates by following the IDEA Project on the project page.
Can I receive a copy of the survey in an alternate format?
Yes, a paper copy of the survey can be mailed to you upon request. To request a paper survey please email us at idea@whitby.ca and remember to include your mailing address. If you require assistance completing the survey or would like to give us your feedback in another way please contact us at 905-668-1424.
Do I have to complete a survey to participate in a virtual engagement session?
While we do encourage everyone to complete the anonymous survey, it is not required. Everyone is welcome to participate in a virtual engagement session. To register for a session please visit the project page and select the date you'd like to attend.
I recently completed a survey on Connect Whitby related to diversity. Is this the same survey?
No, it is not the same. The Whitby Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (WDIAC) conducted a community survey from January 20 to February 12, 2021. Results from this survey can be found here (insert link). The IDEA Project: Whitby’s Journey to Inclusivity is a larger project, the survey questions are different, and this survey includes a focus on how we provide services to residents. We hope that you will complete this survey providing us further information on the important topic of diversity and inclusion in Whitby.
Who is the Whitby Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (WDIAC)?
The Whitby Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (WDIAC) is made up of 7 citizen appointments, a Council and staff designate and community partners.
Will the outcomes of the IDEA Project lead to a corporate plan or a community plan?
The outcomes of the IDEA Project will result in the development of a corporate plan for the Town of Whitby. The results of this study will include a comprehensive Demographic Report outlining the current state of diversity within the organization (council, staff and advisory committees) as well as an Inclusivity Report that looks at the Town as a service provider and identifies current strengths, opportunities and alignments that could be leveraged in support of diversity, equity and inclusion as well as a prioritized action plan to address gaps and barriers.