Never ending Snow Clearing
The day of, and a few days later I see very little of my partner as he is outside clearing snow for neighbours. After he completes our property, I see him move to our neighbour to the south, then I reheat his coffee and he moves on to a little further south, then I provide him with a kleenex to wipe his nose and he moves on to the another neighbour across the street, then I provide him with dry clothes and out he goes again, and so on and so on. Yesterday, during the snowstorm, he was outside with shovel and snowblower at neighbouring driveways/walkways, even back deck access and clearing off vehicles from 9 am - 6 pm. And then, even at 6 pm whilst inside eating dinner, he expressed regret at not getting to another neighbour's property.
Today, the morning after the blizzard, he is out again. Cleaning up and getting to those he missed yesterday.
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