Whitby Community Champions

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Who are Whitby Community Champions?

We love to hear about and witness acts of kindness and support for the Whitby community. Local businesses, community organizations and residents continue to step up to support neighbours, friends and strangers. Whether picking up groceries for a neighbour or organizing community food drives, there are many great examples of how our community has come together and continued to make Whitby a great place to live.

Share Your Community Champions Story

Take a moment to recognize the people who make Whitby a great place to live by sharing your story below. No act is too small to recognize – let's spread the Whitby community spirit far and wide. The stories your share here may be featured on our social media channels, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and watch out for the hashtag #WhitbyProud.

Who are Whitby Community Champions?

We love to hear about and witness acts of kindness and support for the Whitby community. Local businesses, community organizations and residents continue to step up to support neighbours, friends and strangers. Whether picking up groceries for a neighbour or organizing community food drives, there are many great examples of how our community has come together and continued to make Whitby a great place to live.

Share Your Community Champions Story

Take a moment to recognize the people who make Whitby a great place to live by sharing your story below. No act is too small to recognize – let's spread the Whitby community spirit far and wide. The stories your share here may be featured on our social media channels, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and watch out for the hashtag #WhitbyProud.

1. Tell us about your Whitby Community Champion

Has someone in Whitby gone above and beyond to do something kind for our community? Tell us about them!

NOTE: In order to protect the privacy of your Champion, don't include any personal information (name and address) in your story. 

Thank you for sharing your story with us.

If you would like your Community Champion to receive a letter of appreciation from the Mayor of Whitby, please take a few moments to fill out this form.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

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  • Share Teen Girls Pay it Forward on Facebook Share Teen Girls Pay it Forward on Twitter Share Teen Girls Pay it Forward on Linkedin Email Teen Girls Pay it Forward link

    Teen Girls Pay it Forward

    about 4 years ago
    This past weekend, I went for a walk with my parents and daughter to Tim Hortons. When we went to pay, we were advised that the two teenage girls ahead of us had paid for our drinks. We thanked them and they smiled warmly and said we were welcome. This simple act of kindness was such an encouragement and lifted our spirits in this gloomy pandemic environment we find ourselves in. I wish I could send a thank you to these two generous teenage girls, but instead, I hope this story reminds us all to look at how we can... Continue reading
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  • Share Volunteer Committed to Youth Sport and Recreation on Facebook Share Volunteer Committed to Youth Sport and Recreation on Twitter Share Volunteer Committed to Youth Sport and Recreation on Linkedin Email Volunteer Committed to Youth Sport and Recreation link

    Volunteer Committed to Youth Sport and Recreation

    about 4 years ago

    This volunteer dedicates countless hours of their time to help oversee a local volleyball club to ensure that youth have an opportunity for physical activity, skill development and team building. In a normal year, this individual takes on a huge task and in 2020, this was an even greater commitment as we navigate the restrictions and changing regulations around team sports as a result of the pandemic. This individual has maintained a positive attitude, juggled the budget numerous times, found new locations for practices, supported online club meetings, ensured the club abides by the provincial regulations and regularly communicates these... Continue reading

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  • Share 105 Days and 105 Messages That Kept us Together and Strong on Facebook Share 105 Days and 105 Messages That Kept us Together and Strong on Twitter Share 105 Days and 105 Messages That Kept us Together and Strong on Linkedin Email 105 Days and 105 Messages That Kept us Together and Strong link

    105 Days and 105 Messages That Kept us Together and Strong

    by Whitby Swimming, over 4 years ago

    Head Coach Olivier Renaud of Whitby Swimming stepped up to inspire a team of 130 swimmers and their families for 105 days when the pandemic closed local training facilities.

    We are a club with swimmers from the pre-competitive level to National and from ages 8 to 50+ Needless to say, when everything shut down in March, our world was turned upside down and inside out. We were swimmers without early morning practices, weekend-long competitions and without each other. Some of these amazing kids went from swimming 8 times a week to nothing. We felt, quite literally, like fish out of... Continue reading

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  • Share Creating a whole team of headband makers! on Facebook Share Creating a whole team of headband makers! on Twitter Share Creating a whole team of headband makers! on Linkedin Email Creating a whole team of headband makers! link

    Creating a whole team of headband makers!

    by Lyndsey, over 4 years ago

    Kathryn Gerth started out making headbands with buttons for front line workers to attach their masks to after hearing nurses and other essential workers were experiencing irritation behind their ears from wearing masks for prolonged periods of time. She sewed as many headbands as she could, but quickly realized that the demand was far greater than what she could produce alone.

    Kathryn quickly shifted her focus to creating a whole team of sewers to make these headbands. She created a pattern, sourced fabric and buttons, managed donations and volunteers, created little kits with material to make 20 headbands at a... Continue reading

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  • Share Masks Made by Local Resident, Vickie E., Provided to Friends & Family for Free on Facebook Share Masks Made by Local Resident, Vickie E., Provided to Friends & Family for Free on Twitter Share Masks Made by Local Resident, Vickie E., Provided to Friends & Family for Free on Linkedin Email Masks Made by Local Resident, Vickie E., Provided to Friends & Family for Free link

    Masks Made by Local Resident, Vickie E., Provided to Friends & Family for Free

    by Tina, over 4 years ago

    Very early on in the pandemic Vickie E., staff member at Artisanthropy Fibre Arts, took it upon herself to sew cotton reusable face masks for her family and friends, as well as customers of Artisanthropy, and gave them away to all for free. This kind-hearted and selfless act was appreciated by all who received one (or a few!) of her masks. We appreciate your support, Vickie!

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  • Share Artisanthropy Fibre Arts, Whitby's Local Yarn Shop, is Supporting Residents with Free Online Virtual Socials Every Week on Facebook Share Artisanthropy Fibre Arts, Whitby's Local Yarn Shop, is Supporting Residents with Free Online Virtual Socials Every Week on Twitter Share Artisanthropy Fibre Arts, Whitby's Local Yarn Shop, is Supporting Residents with Free Online Virtual Socials Every Week on Linkedin Email Artisanthropy Fibre Arts, Whitby's Local Yarn Shop, is Supporting Residents with Free Online Virtual Socials Every Week link

    Artisanthropy Fibre Arts, Whitby's Local Yarn Shop, is Supporting Residents with Free Online Virtual Socials Every Week

    by Tina, over 4 years ago

    Every week since physical distancing began, Artisanthropy Fibre Arts has been offering free, virtual stitch socials to bring together both local customers and residents of Whitby, as well as Durham region, and provide connection while sharing our love of the fibre arts together in a safe manner. Starting out with three times a week, once things started to open up again, they reduced the frequency to two times a week, but they are still going strong on Wednesdays from 1-3 PM and Thursdays from 7-9 PM. Anyone with a love of fibre arts of any kind is welcome to join... Continue reading

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  • Share Caremonger's Whitby - a team of volunteers making a difference during COVID-19 on Facebook Share Caremonger's Whitby - a team of volunteers making a difference during COVID-19 on Twitter Share Caremonger's Whitby - a team of volunteers making a difference during COVID-19 on Linkedin Email Caremonger's Whitby - a team of volunteers making a difference during COVID-19 link

    Caremonger's Whitby - a team of volunteers making a difference during COVID-19

    by KHoney, over 4 years ago

    Niki Lundquist recognized the unprecedented social and economic upheaval (for most people) and that rapid response was going to be needed in Whitby due to COVID-19. Niki decided to create a Caremongers chapter in Whitby. There are many chapters, and they are all autonomous and operate differently.

    Niki connected with the community, putting a call out to everyone she could think of and asked for help. The goal was simple, to do everything they could to alleviate the harm caused by the pandemic by providing direct aid to anyone in need, to do it safely and without judgment. The team... Continue reading

  • Share Organizing events for the new neighbourhood to connect on Facebook Share Organizing events for the new neighbourhood to connect on Twitter Share Organizing events for the new neighbourhood to connect on Linkedin Email Organizing events for the new neighbourhood to connect link

    Organizing events for the new neighbourhood to connect

    by Astrid with one S, over 4 years ago

    My neighbour Mariam has gone above and beyond in helping our neighbourhood connect and get good deals for items in their new homes. We live in Queen's Common West and before we even closed, she, along with a few others, put together meet ups for neighbours to connect before they closed. She also helped pass back contacts so we could get group deals on tiles, appliances and potlights. For Canada Day, she procured a spectacular fireworks show for the neighbourhood. I appreciate Mariam's tenacity and I know others in the neighbourhood do too. Our neighbourhood is better with her in... Continue reading

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  • Share Downtown Whitby BIA working hard to support local business community on Facebook Share Downtown Whitby BIA working hard to support local business community on Twitter Share Downtown Whitby BIA working hard to support local business community on Linkedin Email Downtown Whitby BIA working hard to support local business community link

    Downtown Whitby BIA working hard to support local business community

    over 4 years ago

    A BIG thank you and shout out goes to the Downtown Whitby BIA for all of their hard work and efforts during the past few months to support the local main street businesses. Not only did they advocate (and continue to do so) at all levels of government, but they created genius Downtown Whitby business reopening kits (including floor decals, social distancing posters and sanitizer) and helped to support the development of a pedestrian zone along Brock Street South and 15 minute deliver/pick-up parking zones. They are a true Community Champion that always go above and beyond to find creative... Continue reading

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  • Share 2 VandenBos Air Cadets Reach Out to Spread Some Sunshine to Our Senior Neighbours with Their Stationery Sunshine for Seniors Initiative on Facebook Share 2 VandenBos Air Cadets Reach Out to Spread Some Sunshine to Our Senior Neighbours with Their Stationery Sunshine for Seniors Initiative on Twitter Share 2 VandenBos Air Cadets Reach Out to Spread Some Sunshine to Our Senior Neighbours with Their Stationery Sunshine for Seniors Initiative on Linkedin Email 2 VandenBos Air Cadets Reach Out to Spread Some Sunshine to Our Senior Neighbours with Their Stationery Sunshine for Seniors Initiative link

    2 VandenBos Air Cadets Reach Out to Spread Some Sunshine to Our Senior Neighbours with Their Stationery Sunshine for Seniors Initiative

    by ndschmidt, over 4 years ago

    During these unprecedented times, our Whitby Air Cadets have expressed an interest to reach out to our community, and especially engage those Whitby citizens most at risk during this global pandemic and its required need for self-isolation: our senior citizens.

    A number of our Cadets have written and sent letters to help lift the spirits of the residents of eight (8) Whitby nursing homes, retirement villages, and long-term care facilities to assure them that they have not been forgotten and that they are not alone in these difficult times. We've named this our 'Stationery Sunshine for Seniors' project. Since the... Continue reading

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Page last updated: 21 Oct 2023, 05:13 AM